Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Market: Regulations, Statistics, Trends, and Wholesalers

Virginia is a significant player in the beverage alcohol industry and operates as one of the nation’s prominent control states. In 2023, Virginia generated sales of approximately 5.8 million 9-liter cases, representing the 19th largest spirits market in the country. The state had a population of 8.6 million in 2023, including 6.4 million within the legal drinking age bracket.

The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (Virginia ABC) maintains exclusive control over the state’s spirits retail and wholesale operations, managing a network of over 400 retail outlets strategically positioned throughout the Commonwealth. This extensive retail presence ensures remarkable market coverage, with approximately 93% of Virginia residents living within a 10-minute drive of an ABC store.

The Authority’s 2018 transition from a traditional government agency to an independent political subdivision has enhanced its operational flexibility and efficiency in serving its triple role as retailer, wholesaler, and regulator.

We’ve prepared a guide to the Virginia market which covers the following topics:

  • Consumption trends
  • The most popular alcohol categories
  • Local guidelines

If you need help establishing your presence in Virginia, provide your information below, and we’ll contact you to discuss how we can help.

At Park Street, we can help anyone looking to enter the market or expand their services in Virginia.

Consumption Trends In Virginia

Virginia is one of the largest control markets in the United States, but in recent years, wine and beer sales have declined while spirit sales have taken a larger share. In 2023, Virginia sold 5.8 million 9-liter cases of spirits and 9.6 million cases of wine, while recent statistics for beer show 65.2 million cases sold.

Virginia Spirits Consumption from 2015-2023 by 9-Liter Cases

20192019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 20235.
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2.76% CAGR

Virginia Wine Consumption from 2019-2023 by 9-Liter Cases

20192019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 202310.310.310.310.19.6129630
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-1.74% CAGR

Virginia Beer Consumption from 2019-2023 by 2.25-Gallon Cases

20192019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 2022 2023 202369.468.669.767.665.2806040200
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-1.55% CAGR

Virginia State Alcohol Licensing

All U.S. states operate under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act’s regulatory framework. While manufacturers produce alcohol products, wholesalers distribute to retailers, and retailers sell to consumers, Virginia operates distinctively as a control state where the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (Virginia ABC) serves as both wholesaler and retailer for spirits.

Virginia Label Registration

Before selling alcoholic beverages in Virginia, suppliers must register labels through ABC’s Management of Inventory Product Sales (MIPS) online system. For spirits, full listings require both a federal Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) and two complete sets of labels. Beer and wine labels must also be registered with the state for a fee of $30.

Price Posting


Virginia ABC requires 90-day advance notification for price changes, which can only occur quarterly (February 1, May 1, August 1, November 1).


Suppliers must provide 30-day advance written notice of price increases to wholesalers with copies to Virginia ABC.

In-State Permits

  • Distillery License: Authorizes manufacture, sale, delivery, and shipment of distilled spirits
  • Winery License: Permits manufacture and sale of wine to licensed wholesalers
  • Farm Winery License: Available in two classes (A: 51% fruit from farm; B: 75% fruit from Virginia)
  • Brewery License: Authorizes manufacture, sale, delivery, and wholesale shipment of beer

Out-of-State Permits


Manufacturers must work through licensed Virginia wholesalers, as direct licensing isn’t available.

Wine and beer:

  • Shipper’s License: Allows direct shipment to Virginia consumers

Out-of-State Delivery Permit: Authorizes delivery of authorized brands to Virginia consumers

Required Steps for Alcohol Suppliers Selling in Virginia

To enter Virginia’s beverage alcohol market, suppliers must pursue either a special order process or a full listing through the Virginia ABC. Each pathway has its own distinct requirements and procedures in accordance with state law.

Special Orders

The special order process serves as an entry point for products not regularly stocked in Virginia ABC stores:

  • Products must be registered in Virginia ABC’s Management of Inventory Product Sales (MIPS) online system
  • Suppliers must demonstrate product availability for delivery to Virginia ABC’s bailment warehouse
  • Evidence of customer demand, typically through previous special order requests, strengthens the application
  • Products must maintain compliance with federal and state labeling regulations

Full Listings

For products seeking regular placement in Virginia ABC stores, the full listing process requires a more comprehensive approach:

  • Products must be presented to the Virginia ABC Listing Committee, with presentations occurring approximately three months before intended shelf placement
    • Pre-screening takes place roughly one month before the presentation week
  • Complete product registration in the MIPS system is mandatory
  • Detailed product specifications must be submitted including:
    • Proof and alcohol percentage
    • Case configuration
    • Shipping costs
    • UPCs
    • Package dimensions and weights
  • Products must be warehouse-ready at least two weeks before the expected shelf date

Deadlines and Performance Requirements

The Virginia ABC maintains strict timeline and performance standards:

  • New products receive a 14-month window to exceed established minimum annual sales thresholds
  • Existing brands seeking size extensions must demonstrate at least $150,000 in annual contribution margin per size
  • Products failing to meet these benchmarks may face delisting
  • The committee reviews submissions on a regular basis, making timing and deadline adherence crucial for successful applications

Virginia State Alcohol Regulations

Shipping and Selling to Consumers

Direct Sales and Shipments of Spirits

  • Although beer and wine can be sold direct-to-consumer in Virginia, shipping of spirits is prohibited.
  • All spirits must be sold through Virginia ABC retail stores

Direct Sales and Shipments of Wine and Beer

  • Out-of-state wineries and breweries may obtain a Shipper’s License to ship directly to Virginia consumers
  • License costs $230 annually with a $195 initial application fee
  • Shipping is limited to two cases of wine or beer per month per consumer
  • Products must be for personal consumption, not resale
  • Out-of-state entities may also obtain a Delivery Permit for authorized brands

Direct Shipments by Retailers Off-Premise:

  • Virginia retailers may deliver beer and wine directly to consumers with appropriate off-premise privileges.
  • Among other requirements, deliveries must be made by:
    • Approved personnel with proper training
    • Common carriers who verify ID

Third-party delivery services (license available until July 1, 2026)

Virginia Spirits Volume Sales By Category – 2023 Data

Spirit trends in Virginia by volume and dollar sales in 2023.

Category Volume Sales
9-liter cases
Dollar Sales
Straight Whiskey 1,093 169.0
Canadian Whisky 210 32.5
Scotch whisky 134 20.7
Irish whiskey 127 19.7
Gin 229 35.4
Vodka 1,738 268.8
Rum 485 75.1
Tequila 757 117.1
Cordials/Liqueurs 543 84.0
Cocktails 199 30.8

Source: Beverage Information Group

Virginia Beer Volume Sales By Category – 2023 Data

Beer trends in Virginia by volume sales in 2023

Category Volume Sales
9-liter cases
Dollar Sales
Craft 5,911 429
FMBs & Hard Seltzer 4,280 311
Super Premium & Premium 7,517 546
Light 28,583 2,075
Popular 1,841 134
Imported 14,336 1,040

Source: Beverage Information Group

Virginia Wine Volume Sales By Category – 2023 Data

See below for the wine trends in Virginia by volume sales in 2023.

Category Volume Sales
Thousands, 9-liter cases
Table 9,350,262
Wine Based Ready-to-Drink 2,417
Champagne & Sparkling 258,136
Dessert & Fortified 23,392
Vermouth & Aperitif 15,256

Source: Beverage Information Group

Selling Alcohol In Virginia

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most popular questions and answers related to the sale of alcohol in the state of Virginia.

FAQs on Virginia Beer, Wine & Spirits Sales

What are the policies regarding the sale of alcohol on Sundays in Virginia?

The state of Virginia allows the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Still, the state restricts the sale of booze between 12 AM and 6 AM on Sunday, and retailers that are located within 500 feet of a church cannot sell alcohol on a Sunday before noon.

What are the hours retailers can sell alcohol?

Per Virginian law, local retailers are permitted to sell alcohol between 6 AM and 12 AM, Monday to Sunday. Businesses that sell food and drinks, like restaurants and clubs with mixed liquor licenses can sell alcohol from 6 AM to 2 AM, while off-premise and retail locations must stop alcohol sales at midnight.

Do Walmart, Target, and CVS sell alcohol in Virginia?

Walmart, Target, and CVS follow Virginia state laws and sell alcohol from 6 AM to 12 AM, following the same regulations as other retailers.

Do they sell liquor, wine, or beer in grocery stores in Virginia?

Virginia state laws allow only wine and beer sales at grocery stores. Distilled spirits are only sold at state-owned and operated liquor stores that are usually open from 10 AM to 9 PM Monday to Saturday and 10 AM to 6 PM on Sunday.

Do they sell liquor, wine, or beer in gas stations in Virginia?

Customers in Virginia can buy beer and wine from almost any gas station. These sales places are allowed to sell beer and wine but not hard liquor, which is only sold at state-run ABC stores.

What is the alcohol excise tax in Virginia?
Wine 14% ABV and under $0.40/Liter
Wine 14.1 – 21% ABV $0.40/Liter
Sparkling Wine $0.40/Liter
Art. Carb. Wine $0.40/Liter
Cider 1 $0.08/Liter
Wine Coolers 2 $0.2565/gallon 3
Distilled Spirits Not sold in private sector
Low-alcohol Cocktails 4 $0.40/Liter
Malt Beverages $0.2565/gallon 3

Buying Alcohol In Virginia – Hours, Locations & Taxes

You must also understand the buying side as well. Below you will find a list of questions and answers related to buying alcohol in the state of Virginia. Should you be interested in understanding more than what’s published below, please reach out to us for more information.

FAQs on Buying Beer, Wine & Liquor in Virginia

Can you buy liquor online in Virginia?

Yes, you can buy online legally in the state of Virginia.

Can you buy liquor in grocery stores in Virginia?

In Virginia, you can only buy wine and beer in grocery stores; this is an Alcoholic beverage control state, so distilled spirits are only sold in state-run alcohol stores called ABS stores.

Can you buy alcohol in gas stations in Virginia?

Virginia gas stations sell beer and wine, but hard spirits are only sold in state-run liquor stores.

Does Virginia allow direct-to-consumer shipping?

Virginia allows direct-to-consumer or DTC shipping of alcohol limited only to wine and beer; hard liquor is not eligible for DTC shipping. Also, retailers can ship up to two cases of wine or two cases of beer per month to a single consumer.

What times can you buy liquor, wine, or beer in Virginia?

On-premise alcohol retailers with mixed liquor licenses, like restaurants, bars, and clubs, can sell alcohol daily from 6 AM to 2 AM. Off-premise alcohol retailers like grocery stores and gas stations can sell alcohol from 6 AM to 12 AM daily. The state-run ABC stores in Virginia that sell hard spirits are generally open from 10 AM to 9 PM from Monday to Saturday and 10 AM to 6 PM on Sundays.

Can you order alcohol to go in Virginia?

During the pandemic lockdowns, the Commonwealth of Virginia allowed retailers to sell alcoholic beverages to go, allowing restaurants and bars to sell alcoholic beverages with takeout meals. This policy has been extended and is now in place until July 1st, 2024.

Where in Virginia can you buy alcohol off-premise?

You can buy beer and wine for off-premise consumption in any grocery store, gas station, Walmart, Target, CVS, and similar retailers. However, you can only purchase hard liquor from state-run ABC stores for off-premise consumption.

Where can buy alcohol for on-premise consumption in Virginia?

Any Virginia establishment with a mixed liquor license can sell wine, beer, and hard spirits for on-premise consumption from 6 AM to 2 AM.

(Data Sources –,

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